Eee pc 701 chromium os
Eee pc 701 chromium os

  1. #Eee pc 701 chromium os Pc
  2. #Eee pc 701 chromium os windows

#Eee pc 701 chromium os Pc

It's really a pleasure to be able to use those machines, even better that their very first running day (with Xandros or XP).ASUS didn't change the port configuration on the Eee PC 900 it comes with headphone and microphone jacks, an Ethernet connection, an SD/MMC card reader, and three USB ports. So, and in spite that there are other small Linux OS suitable for these small machines, if you use Puppy, that I fins specially suitable for inexperienced Linux users (As I am), you still will be able to run your 701s for many years. It's amazing if you use the integrated system information just to see that with the OS charged on RAM, LibreOffice Writer, LibreOfffice Calc, Firefox and, perhaps another program running, and you just use about 300 MB of RAM memory. You have the last releases of the mentioned soft. You just use Lucid Puppy "as is" and that's all. So there is no need to look for any of the old specific OS designed just for the 701 (eeebuntu, Pupeee, Breeezy, etc). The system detects it automatically and, almost every thing, works fine. I find Lucid the best as I've found all the daily soft that I use: LibreOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox, Truecrypt (Yes, I still use it daily), Wine, etc.Īny matter with the small screen resolution. All of them are started from a USB Pen Drive. I've tried Slacko, Precise and, finally, Lucid 5.2.8. Recently I started to play with Puppy Linux. Both of them are in perfect working order, though they suffer from the jurasic OSs that they use.

#Eee pc 701 chromium os windows

I have two eee pc 701: the original one with Xandros and the original one with Windows XP. Maintenance might be a bit difficult for your parents, but they probably won't be doing much of that themselves anyway (and with the way it's set up, I find it easier to adjust than Ubuntu, which I have to use for work). I can get the size down around 600M, and you could probably do better with just what your parents need. With the small HD, you need a small distro with fairly precise control over packages, which it gives. I have had Arch Linux on my original Eeepc (preordered, I've had it since the beginning) for several years now, it has been great. That said, if you find they use best a traditional interface, you should consider Arch. See which one they like, and which one is easiest for them to use. You should show them a few options, and watch them use it for a bit. I recall trying a couple distros that had a similar setup to the original OS, with big buttons on, basically, a home screen. It's down for maintenance at the moment, but I'm sure they still have a number of threads on suggestions, in the archives if nothing else. In the early days, I was all over the forum, and there was quite a bit of discussion there about distros for the eeepc. But you might want to find one of the eeepc-optimized distros with their heavily customized UIs. The bigger question you'll need to think about is what window manager to use. In all 3, the super/house key is enabled. You may have to get another 701 for yourself - I have 2.Īnother useful feature of Crunchbang is the post-installation "cb-welcome" script, which gives you options for which web-browser to install, libreoffice, java support, etc.ĪLL the above 3 have instant mobile broadband (dongle) support, all you have to do is configure it. It also idles at about 60MiB RAM, & rarely goes above 200MiB!!! This is what I currently have installed, & I have learned more from using this distro than any other. You WILL write your own shortcuts, & you WILL rewrite your OBMenu & Conky scripts, & learn some XML by accident! This is the best I've tried so far, on any hardware, with an excellent default Openbox set-up, that can use keyboard shortcuts for everything, which is great for a netbook. This is a from-the-ground-up custom distro based on Ubuntu with Openbox WM, & great if you want a minimal desktop system with few apps installed, to build upon. Ubuntu 12.04, if you increase RAM to 2GiB & you want an all-singing, all-dancing installation, with a totally integrated DE, & don't keep much data on your machine. I know this is a late reply, but here goes:

Eee pc 701 chromium os